Enhanced Energy Healing

A Subdivision of Matrix of Holistic Health

Enhancing Your Energy for Life
Mind + Body + Spirit

Enhance Your Energy for Life

Everything on this earth is comprised of energy. Since all matter is composed of charged particles, all matter is vibrating and emitting electromagnetic fields. Everything in the universe is continuously vibrating. All living systems have a biofield (also known as an aura or as an energy field) that surrounds and interpenetrates the body. This biofield is a communication system that helps to regulate every function of your bodily systems and it begins to form at conception before any physical cells are present and serves as the blueprint for your physical development.

This biofield of energy is constantly interacting with and reacting to energetic changes in the environments inside of and outside of the body and makes adjustments accordingly to work as efficiently as possible to maintain and sustain bodily systems.

Enhanced Energy Healing - Human Aura

There are many different layers to your energy field/biofield. These individual layers work in tandem with each other to sustain your whole being.
Physical Energy – This layer is what we consider our physical being made of flesh, skin, bones and connective tissue, organs and blood but if broken down all of these are made of energy.
Etheric Energy – This layer coming from the word ether, is the layer of our energy body located about ¼ to ½ inch from our physical body. While invisible to most this layer can be seen by many energy medicine practitioners and can even be felt by some. This layer is specifically the holograph or blueprint of the physical body.
Emotional Energy – This is the third layer and is where our feelings and fears are held and can become agitated during periods of extreme emotions.
Mental Energy – This is the layer where belief systems are stored and where our ideas, thoughts and perceptions are sorted out based upon our experiences.
Spiritual Energy – This is the last of the five layers and where our consciousness and higher awareness or subconscious mind resides.

Because everything on earth is continuously vibrating, these vibrations intersect the biofield and can produce harmonious or negative exchanges that affect the health and longevity of the biofield. Maintaining a healthy biofield is essential to a whole healthy state of being and increased quality of life. The focus here at Enhanced Energy Healing is to help you identify potential energy blocks and negative patterns of impact, develop a customized plan of treatment using various modalities of biofield energy healing to reestablish balance within the body and enhance your energy for life.

Who Needs Energy Healing?

Energy Healing

Literally everyone can benefit from some form of energy healing as energetic exchanges are happening all the time and can result in the production of negative residual effects. Even subtle disruptions or imbalances in the biofield can cause damage to bodily systems and can result in low cellular voltage.

Low cellular voltage can be due to factors such as unhealthy lifestyle choices, poor dietary choices, exposure to unhealthy environmental conditions, exposure to naturally occurring toxins as well as exposure to synthetic toxins, physical health injuries and limitations, mental health injuries and deficiencies, and negative belief systems.

Enhanced Energy Healing - Health Challenge

This low cellular voltage can lead to diminished energy levels and interruptions in healthy bodily functions. If the body is unable to replenish these levels and restore these imbalances to healthy levels, then the body may experience a decline in healthy function and symptoms of pain and disease may begin to set in. If the pain and disease is left untreated, then quality of life is reduced and chances of irreversible decline and even death is significantly increased.

It is important to recognize that disturbances in one layer of the biofield can affect other layers and oftentimes there are crossover effects that occur. It has been determined that pain and disease can manifest in the physical body when dealing with the mental challenges of depression and anxiety or emotional trauma. On the flip side, an individual who has experienced a physical injury may develop mental and emotional trauma in the aftermath of the injury. Also everyday interactions with people and their emotional or physical bioenergy as well as your own responses to situations involving work and social engagements can adversely affect your biofield.

Whether the residual effects of these everyday interactions are intentional or unintentional, you can experience freedom and restoration from negative impacts to your biofield through enhanced energy healing.

Enhanced Energy Healing - Balance
Energy Healing Benefits

Restoring Balance

The primary objective of energy healing is relief from and the removal of negative impacts to the biofield. The human body is magnificently designed and has the innate ability to heal itself when provided with the proper environment. Energy healing works by removing energetic blockages in your biofield and increasing cellular frequency and voltage to restore balance to the body so that the body can begin to heal itself naturally.

The benefits of energy healing have been extensively studied and documented. Energy healing sessions and practices produce energy frequencies that can affect the reasonant energy capabilities of the entire biofield.

These energetic frequencies aid the body in processing stagnant and residual energy associated with past injuries to the etheric, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy layers of the biofield, and it can aid in the reduction of time needed for injury recovery.

Energy healing frequencies aid in the body’s physical function by reducing inflammation and the effects of chronic pain. Energy healing aids the body in increasing better blood flow and circulation, aids the body in regulating internal bodily systems, aids the body in increased mobility and flexibility, aids the body in its ability to detox and aids the body in achieving better resting states and sleep quality experience.

Energy healing sessions and practices aid the body’s mental function by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Energetic enhancements can aid the mental body in relieving past and current emotional trauma, and aid in increasing mental function and focus.

Go Beyond The Healing

Enhance Your Energy

Energy healing practices are an effective method to enhance your ability to break through existing energy threshholds to reach your full human potentional. As previously stated, beneficially modifying the energy frequency and increasing cellular voltage can bring the body back into balance and the body does not have to continue exerting energy to circumvent biofield deficiences and bring about healing.

The body now has the freedom to allocate increased energy utilization for more advantageous processes and better quality of life experiences.

Enhanced Energy Healing - Beyond Healing

Energy enhancement sessions can greatly increase an individual’s ability to supply the physical body with the energy resources for the physical tasks that are required to attain a more desirable physique, accelerate weight loss or gain depending on specific goals, or to accomplish better individual athletic results during team sports or other physical recreational activities as well as accelerate recovery between physical energy exertion events.

These energy enhancement sessions can enhance an individual’s energy resources to increase the mental capacity for accelerated mental, emotional and spiritual development in order to process more complex concepts and build proficiency in beneficial internal communication as well as beneficial external communication needed for healthy personal relationships cultivated in everyday daily life in both social and professional environments. Increased mental capacity also allows for effective execution of mental tasks such as those that require focused study and increased retention of information for educational advancement, or for the mastering of new skills required for career advancement, and for such mental flexibilities to execute effective mindset shifts and techniques incorporated in practices to enhance athletic or physical endurance and performance.

As an individual ages chronologically, participation in good energy practices and energy healing enhancements can help equip the whole being for the fluxuations in the energy levels necessary for healthy biofield longevity and enhanced quality of living.

Take the Next Step

Work With Janina

Work with Janina to identify your specific biofield energetic needs and the areas of concern in order to enhance your energy for life. Janina specializes in customizing effective protocols to help you reach the best version of your healthy self.

Based on the information you provide as well as the assessments completed during the intake process, Dr. Ward works with you to provide solutions that will help you to heal from the inside out by balancing your body’s systems. She uses multiple natural healing modalities to address her patients’ health concerns.

Some of the services offered through Enhanced Energy Healing primarily include energy medicine modalities such as, Qest Bioenergetic Meridian Stress Assessment, Body/Emotion Code, Biocharger NG subtle energy platform, Quantum Touch, Osteodouce, customized high quality supplements, Sound Therapy, ionic footbath detox, aromatherapy, and Mind Body Therapies. You can learn more details about these specific therapies by visiting the Services page.


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