Body and Emotion Code

Enhancing Your Energy for Life
Mind + Body + Spirit

Body and Emotion Code

The Body Code and Emotion Code is a system in which the trained practitioner uses a computer program in combination with energy medicine. The Body Code was developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, a very successful Holistic Chiropractor. The Body Code consists of identifying and clearing imbalances in the following areas:
Energies- Many different types of energies greatly affect us on many levels. These include post traumatic energies, offensive energies, mental energies and more. These energies become trapped in the physical body and produce very real problems on the physical level.

Circuitry- The body’s energy systems consist of the meridians, chakras, and each organ and gland has circuit links to other areas of the body. An imbalance in one of these areas will have repercussions elsewhere in the body just as a blown circuit in your house will affect areas in different rooms on the same circuit.

Toxins- Identifying and clearing the toxins in your body can make a huge difference in your physical and mental health. These will show up in the body code even when they do not show up on other diagnostic tests because your subconscious knows far more than any lab test.

Pathogens- Viral, bacterial, fungal, mold and parasites can be identified and addressed with the body code.

Structural imbalances- Every organ, gland, bone, ligament, muscle and other connective tissue can become imbalanced. These imbalances can be identified and addressed using the body code.

Nutritional deficiencies- These can also be identified and corrected using the body code.


Emotion Code

Emotion Code deals strictly with identifying and removing trapped emotions and heartwall emotions and is a very small component of Body Code. I recommend booking a Body Code session as it is much more comprehensive than Emotion Code alone. The exception to this is for pets that don’t have a specific issue such as digestive issues but have more emotional issues such as anxiety and nervousness.

In this video, Dr. Bradely Nelson explains the Emotion Code:


Body Code

While the Emotion Code is powerful and is the basis for Dr. Bradley’s patented system, the Body Code, it is in the Body Code where even more powerful transformation occurs. Body Code not only identifies and clears trapped emotions and heartwall emotions but is excellent to address chronic pain, anxiety, depression, digestive issues, recurring nightmares, success blockages, relationship issues, addictions and more. During a Body/Emotion Code session the practitioner connects to your energy field/subconscious. Your subconscious and energy field contains billions of bits of information about you from the time you were conceived until the present. Your conscious mind is only capable of processing about 40bits of information per second yet your subconscious processes billions of bits of information per second and this info is recorded in your energy field.

Traumas from previous relationships and experiences can be trapped in different parts of your body causing imbalance and with Body Code you can access and clear these energies and restore balance to your system. This is a very powerful method of healing and is not to be taken as a medical diagnosis and Dr. Ward does not make medical diagnoses. It is beneficial to be well hydrated before and after these appointments as significant processing and detoxing can be felt from this method and hydration helps prevent any discomfort as your body processes the session.

What to expect: If you are coming for an in person appointment, you will have the added benefit of laying on my massage table topped with a bioacoustic sound therapy mat and a biomat of amethyst and tourmaline crystals that facilitates healing and detoxing. During the session I will explain each energy we clear and provide a written copy of your body code results. Most people notice feeling lighter and happier immediately after the session, most also experience an immediate reduction in symptoms however some people take longer to process the session and it may take a few days to notice an improvement or cessation of symptoms. Some issues are more complex and take a few sessions to clear and get all of the associated energies released. Some people notice significant detoxing reactions and can feel physically worse for a few hours or couple days, this is why it is so important to be well hydrated before and after the session as this will reduce or prevent this side effect. Most people also sleep better after a session though in some there may be a night or two of sleeplessness as you process. Vivid dreams and memory flashbacks are also common and are related to the energies that are cleared during the session. It is usually best to wait at least 3 or 4 days for subsequent sessions although there are some exceptions and some clients that can tolerate 2 sessions a week.

*Note: Not all practitioners are the same, I clear as much as your body will tolerate in a session and often clear very deep and complex issues. For this reason I do not do sessions less than 1 hour in length with the exception of those clients that are extremely sensitive to energy processing and I will do shorter sessions in this case.

Remote Sessions
For remote sessions I will call you on the telephone or other contact methods requested, I ask you for details on what specifically you would like me to address during the session. Once I get all the information from you that I need and answer any questions you may have then I hang up the phone and connect to you energetically and proceed to perform the session. Once I am done I will call you again and explain to you everything I cleared and I will email you the results.

Now Accepting Health Savings Accounts (HSA) cards as well as all major credit cards.

For first time clients: Your first Body Code appointment must be an Intake appointment whether it is an In Person appointment or a Remote appointment. Please use the links below to schedule your Body Code Intake appointments.

You can book your In Person Intake appointment here:

You can book your Remote Intake appointment here:

For returning clients: Please use the links below to schedule your returning Body Code appointments.

You can book your In Person appointment here:

You can book your Remote appointment here:


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