
Enhancing Your Energy for Life
Mind + Body + Spirit


Osteodouce is energetic Osteopathy. This is a remote healing method used to adjust and realign a person’s bones and ligaments remotely. With this method the practitioner connects remotely to the energetic layer of a person’s bones and ligaments rather than connecting to the physical body. Physical treatments to adjust include chiropractic, and Osteopathic manipulations. During physical treatments the doctor observes which direction the bone or joint needs to move to be in alignment. With Osteodouce the practitioner connects remotely and feels the energetic blockage preventing the movement of life from flowing within that part of the body. The practitioner does not move or align the body part but allows the life force energy to flow into each joint or ligament which in turn allows the body to readjust itself. This is important because there may be many past physical trauma energies still blocking the body part at different levels and this cannot be accounted for in physical manipulations.

This method was discovered by Jacky Roux a famous French Osteopath. Jacky Roux discovered a movement similar to our primary respiratory mechanism that is present in all life forms. He terms this movement the movement of life and defined it as the manifestation of the universal energy. This movement is present everywhere and is the origin of the cranial rhythmic impulse. In his practice he discovered that this movement can be felt remotely and the results obtained from the Osteodouce method were much more effective and reached deeper layers than those obtained from physical manipulation. Physical injuries and even emotional traumas can prevent the proper energy flow in bones, joints and ligaments which in turn cause the area to become stuck and pain will present. Physical manipulation can move these bones back into their proper place but if the traumas and energy layers are not fixed the body part can quickly move back out of alignment. During an osteodouce session Dr. Ward first calls you (these sessions can also be done via zoom) and asks where you are feeling pain and restriction. She then asks that you sit or lie comfortably while she connects to the corresponding area. During this time she observes the body part and allows the energy to flow into this area to feel where the blockages are. After a sufficient amount of time elapses if the area still does not have the flow of life, the adjoining bones and ligaments are connected to and the same process occurs until the flow of life is felt and the whole area is freely moving. She may then have you move around as to allow the physical realignments to happen. She then checks the areas of concern again to make sure there are no other restrictions. Often results are felt immediately but sometimes it is within the next day or two as your body makes the proper adjustment. Dr. Ward recommends this method for those that cannot tolerate physical manipulation (chiropractic or osteopathic) or for those who have chronic pain in their sacrum, shoulders, feet, ankles etc. She first recommends a Body Code session to address these areas of pain in case there are trapped energies causing the pain and restrictions. If there are pain and restrictions after the area has been cleared with Body Code then the next option to try is Osteodouce. During an Osteodouce session the practitioner works with the Universal Intelligence, this energy connects to everything and is a consciousness of unconditional love. The practitioner serves as a mediator of this energy and the body structure. The role of the practitioner is to observe the body part until it releases its traumatic memories and returns to its original position. This universal energy is one and manifests through polarities.

Once these polarities are in harmony they flow in a harmonious motion that can be felt by the practitioner and reflects the balance of dynamic health. This energy knows no bounds of time and can travel back in time to free the origins of traumatic problems. Conventional manipulation methods only restore recent compensations that have occurred from trauma. Universal Energy on the other hand can access and release a large number of deep layers of trauma. Universal Energy also acts beyond the notions of space and can be performed at any distance as distance does not exist on the quantum level.

For recent injuries with no previous traumas, usually one session is sufficient. For chronic injuries or those older than within the last three years more than one session may be necessary.

What to expect: At the appointment time I will contact you via phone or other preferred method of contact. I will ask you what skeletal symptoms you are experiencing (neck pain, knee pain, back pain etc. ) and discuss any previous injuries to the areas. Next I disconnect from the phone and connect to your body and begin the osteodouce method of allowing lifeforce energy to enter the bone being worked on. I work each corresponding area until I feel the flow of life movement return to the body part. At this point you need to be comfortable and rested, it is best not to be using your cell phone at this time as you want to be tuned into your body. Once I finish I will call you and have you move around a little and reassess your pain or discomfort. If the area is not better I may need to reconnect to certain body parts and continue allowing the energy to harmonize deeper layers of trauma. When the time is up I call you and again have you move the area to see how much improvement has occurred. Sometimes there is immediate release of symptoms; sometimes the improvement is felt the next day. Some issues may take 2 to 3 sessions to see significant results. It is important to be open to the healing. If you resist or do not want to heal then you will subconsciously block healing.

In this brief video, the principles and benefits of Osteodouce are explained:

Now Accepting Health Savings Accounts (HSA) cards as well as all major credit cards.

Remote Sessions: These appointments are completed remotely as explained above. Please use the link below to schedule your Osteodouce appointments.


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