Qest Bioenergetic Testing

Enhancing Your Energy for Life
Mind + Body + Spirit

Qest Bioenergetic Testing

Also known as MSA, Meridian Stress Analysis

This service is an excellent place to start to address any physical ailments or concerns you have. I perform three primary tests on everyone to give a baseline and to help identify what may be stressing your system:

1. Comprehensive Scan- This is the first scan that I perform and it looks at overall health. The results will give a good indication of heavy metal toxicity, pathogen load, environmental toxins and major nutritional deficiencies.

2. General Support Scan- This is the second scan that I perform and it tests to see if there are any customized supplements that your body shows a strong need for. All of my supplement companies are non GMO, and use only the finest ingredients without unnecessary fillers. These supplements are an additional cost but there is no commitment to purchase I merely suggest which ones you may benefit from and if you decide to purchase I drop ship these to your home.

3. Informational Scan- This is the third scan that I perform and it identifies specific general nutritional deficiencies such as vitamin deficiencies. It also identifies neurotransmitter and hormone imbalances that may be affecting you.

This video explains a bit more about these three tests:
Based on your particular symptoms and the results of these first three tests, I decide which other tests may be beneficial and can perform break out scans on specific organs such as liver, kidneys, brain, reproductive organs etc. My Qest machine also identifies specific natural remedies such as homeopathic sarcodes and remedies and specific frequencies identified by your body that the machine then imprints into a liquid medium and or quartz crystal that you will carry with you for 3 to 6 weeks (the machine identifies how long you will need this). During this time it is suggested that you take any particular supplements identified by the Qest machine and agreed upon and use this imprint. The “imprint” transfers the energy of the remedies to your body by way of energy transference. Oschman (2015) explained, “every event taking place in the body involves the production of electric or bioelectric current flows…these electric fields travel at velocities that are far faster than nerve impulses” (p. 141).

As everything has a specific energy signature the Qest Bioenergetic scan tests your body to see what specific energy signatures are having a negative effect on your physical wellbeing. This video explains what this testing does:

The treatment is based upon homeopathy which is best explained by watching this video:
This testing can be performed in person in my office if you are local, however, it is just as accurate and effective when done using a hair and saliva sample. This is called remote testing and that method is explained here:

What to expect: Some people notice significant effects in a short period of time, others it takes a few more weeks and can be more subtle changes. Most people experience more energy, less symptoms, better sleep and increased ability to detox. Each scan and energetic “imprint” last up to 6 weeks before additional scans may be needed to better improve the same symptoms or to treat new issues.

Now Accepting Health Savings Accounts (HSA) cards as well as all major credit cards.

You can book your In Person appointment here:

You can book your Remote appointment here:

For Remote Qest Scans: Please allow 1 week for the mailing of your samples. I will provide instructions for sending me your DNA samples upon booking your Remote Qest Scan Appointment.


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